CLIENT: Transatlantic x Karshare
TYPE: Corporate Design
I was commisioned to create a sticker to welcome the launch of the city’s first community car sharing platform.
Karshare is fuelling the sharing economy by enabling Bristol car owners to share their vehicles to make extra income each month.
The limited edition piece features a car with cartoon-themed people that represent the community of Bristol including a mother and child, a young professional, youth and even a family cat, in Marta’s iconic, bold style.
In the first stages of the creativity the team also thought about including monsters and fantastic creatures in the car
“I wanted to capture the sense of adventure, community and freedom a car brings through the design – from using a car for the weekly food shop to exploring the local area with your family on the weekend. Car sharing is great for the community and the environment so I was pleased to take part. I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for them in cars across the city.”
“I wanted to capture the sense of adventure, community and freedom a car brings through the design – from using a car for the weekly food shop to exploring the local area with your family on the weekend. Car sharing is great for the community and the environment so I was pleased to take part. I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for them in cars across the city.”
Andy Hibbert, founder of Karshare, said: “When we launched Karshare in Bristol we knew we wanted to create something visually stunning that could be put in all our members’ cars to show they were all part of the Karshare community. We’re delighted to team up with Marta whose style and flair has led to us having a truly unique sticker that we’re proud to call ours".
Read the press release in Visit Bristol and a personal interview in Bristol 24/7
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©2019 Marta Zubieta. Images may not be used without full permission and credit.